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Experience Relief with Proven Treatment Options

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Trigger Point Dry Needling

Dry needling is a technique that uses small needle insertion to help stimulate and promote healing within the muscle and connective tissue. The needle is small and often times not even felt when being inserted.


What Is A Trigger Point?


When our muscles become over active they can develop trigger points, which leads to pain and dysfunction. The muscle fibers become taut and tender, often times forming a nodule. These little knots can cause local or referred pain (pain felt elsewhere in the body) and prevent the muscle from working in unison (leading to further problems). Studies also show that there is an increase in sensitizing substances within these nodules, meaning there is a greater capacity to experience pain. 


How Does It Work?


When the needle enters the trigger point area, it causes a twitch-response, effectively relaxing the previously tight muscle fibers. There is also a local inflammatory response that increases blood flow and helps remove pain-increasing chemicals and other debris.


Dry Needling Can Help:


  • Reduce trigger points

  • Decrease inflammation and sensitizing substances

  • Decrease pain

  • Improve muscle function

  • Reduce tension


Number of treatments vary for each person but lasting results are typically seen within 4 to 6 visits. 


Schedule a free consultation today to see if dry needling is recommended for you!



Instrument-Assisted Mobilization

IASTM, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, is a treatment that helps improve tissue integrity, increase blood flow, and reduce pain and dysfunction. When our tissue becomes injured it starts to lay down scar tissue as a way to heal. This tissue usually lays down any way it wants to and forms irregular patterns. Think of normal muscle striations and how the fibers all run in a uniform direction.  This is not the case with scar tissue, it becomes irregular, without pattern, which leads to decreased mobility and less resilience. This causes restrictions and prevents normal motion, making it more susceptible to re-injury. 


IASTM helps restore normal tissue patterns and improve mobility and function. If you suffer from ligament sprains, fasciitis, tight muscles, pain near tendon insertions (think rotator cuff, hips, or knees), or have undergone surgical procedures (leading to scar tissue) than you are likely a good candidate for this type of care. Treatment typically consists of 4 to 8 sessions for the best outcome. Schedule an appointment to meet with the doctor and learn more.

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